2-25-24 Evangelism - Not just a Foreign Mission Jeremiah 2-19

Most of us when we think of evangelism we think of getting on a plane and going to some far distant land to a people group of a different culture for a short period of time.  But actually, evangelism is to be our main goal anywhere we are.  Evangelism is to purposely seek out lost people, share the message of Christ and salvation in hopes that they repent and are baptized.  Evangelism is in our area, where we work, our communities, or families, and our towns.  You don’t have to go to some far distant land to evangelize, its right here, all around us.  During the time of Jesus and His 3 ½ year ministry, He never traveled more the 200 miles from where He was born, yet He impacted the world and all generations.


2-25-24 Paul's Interrogation Acts 23-1-11


2-18-24 Evangelism - A Concern for the World Col 4:1-5