3-3-24 Paul's Unlawful Imprisonment Act 23:23-24:27
Pastor Bob Pastor Bob

3-3-24 Paul's Unlawful Imprisonment Act 23:23-24:27

After the discovery of the plot to Kill Paul by the Jews, The commander Claudius mounts up his soldiers and takes Paul by night to go to Caesarea to Felix to hear his case (Acts 23:23-24). Felix full name is Marcus Antonius Felix and he was a Roman Governor of Judea and occupied that position from 52-60 AD. We know this from the writings of Josephus a Jewish historian who wrote about the time as he witnessed it.

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Pastor Bob Pastor Bob

What is the goal of our Christian life? What are we called to do and how do we do it? Obviously to goal of the Christian life to Glorify God, but beyond that we glorify God by spreading His word around for others to hear giving them and opportunity to be saved. We glorify God by living in His word and sharing His word with those around us. We all should share a common goal to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ with the world. All of us should be involved in evangelism in some way. We may not all be called to the mission field, but we can all be involved spreading the word. Jesus instructed his disciples to spread the word of God to the ends of the earth, this was their commission and it is our commission as well:

Acts 1:8 (NKJV)

8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."

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2-11-24 Paul's Interrogation Acts 23-1-11
Pastor Bob Pastor Bob

2-11-24 Paul's Interrogation Acts 23-1-11

After Paul was done speaking to the angry mob, they yelled “Away with Him” and they were intent on killing him. The commander needed to calm the crowd down so he had Paul removed and put in custody. When the commander found out that he was a Roman citizen he was afraid by the way he treated Paul and put him in protective custody. On the following day the commander had Paul brought be for the Jewish council (the Sanhedrin) to find out why the crowd was in such an uproar and wanted to kill him, but he didn’t have any charges to bring against Paul in order to keep him imprisoned. Paul knew that he had done nothing to violate any law but was accused of teaching about the resurrection of the dead through Jesus Christ. The commander was sure that Paul must be guilty of something and he needed to figure out what it was, otherwise he had no good reason to keep him bound.

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