Vision and Purpose


Our Vision

Michigan Valley Community Church is passionate about reaching the community and communicating the message of Jesus Christ so everyone may obtain salvation through Him.  The authority and basis of all our ministries is the Lordship of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible.  As such, we believe that there are two priorities for our Church:

 The first priority is the Great Commandment as found in Matthew 22:36-40. To love God and our fellow men and women means to fulfill the commands of God.

 The second priority is the Great Commission as found in Matthew 28:18-20. We are to be making disciples in our own community and around the world. We believe that God’s will for His church is to grow spiritually, expand His truth to others, and we as Christians are to work to this end.

 Our Purpose 

To make disciples of Jesus Christ by connecting, building, equipping, sending, and winning.  To save the lost through Christ, and mature the saved through sound biblical teaching.


Our Strategy

For the Church:  Committed to do whatever it takes to introduce non-believers to Christ, and to mature believers in the fullness of Christ.

For the Individual:  We will assist a person on their “journey” through the process of Evangelism, Discipleship, Worship, Ministry, and Fellowship.